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Prevention, Retention, & Contingency (PRC)

The Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program is designed to help families residing in Summit County overcome immediate barriers to achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency. The PRC program has become a critical tool for Ohio counties to help families become and stay self-supporting.

PRC is a non-assistance program that provides services and nonrecurring, short-term, crisis-oriented benefits that are directly related to the following four purposes of the TANF program (reference 45 CFR 260.20), which do not meet the federal definition of assistance.

Summit County partners with our local nonprofit organizations to fund a variety or programs that are focused on supporting working families within our community.

Who is Eligible?

Services can be funded for residents of Summit County that are a United States citizen or qualified alien. The assistance group must contain a pregnant individual or minor. Applicants must show economic need and have household income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for all programs.

Income Guidelines

PRC FPG 200% (effective 01/12/23)

Family Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maximum Gross Monthly Income 2,430 3,287 4,144 5,000 5,857 6,714 7,570 8,427