Due to a system upgrade, OHIO SNAP recipients will not be able to make purchases and/or returns with their Ohio Direction card on Sunday, January 12th, starting from around 10:00 pm, until Monday, January 13th, at 7:00 am. We apologize for any inconvenience. |
What is NET?
Non-emergency Transportation (NET) is a statewide program administered by Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (SCDJFS) for Medicaid-eligible residents. NET provides transportation to and from any Medicaid-covered appointments. Authorization for transportation may be in the form of bus passes or curb-to-curb service
Summit County residents who receive a Medicaid card.
Call 330.643.8200 (Select option 1 for non-emergency transportation).
Requests must be made at least five days prior to the scheduled medical appointment. METRO bus service will be the primary mode of transportation unless otherwise indicated. SCDJFS will consider proximity to bus routes and individuals with mobility issues.
Customer information
Medical Information
Call METRO Broker Transportation Services at 330.376.5353
A request may be denied or delayed IF
After eligibility has been determined and if approved for curb-to-curb transportation, call METRO Broker Transportation Services and one of the providers below will be available
to transport you.
Bus passes will be mailed to individuals deemed eligible. Please call 330.643.8200, option 2 with questions or request for a bus pass.
The Non-emergency Transportation (NET) program is administered in accordance with the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 5101:3-24.
Reference material
NET brochure (PDF)
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Terri Burns